Narrowing the perception gaps of the brand and allowing for future growth. 

Branding – Stratey

Client: Yew Chung Yew Wah / Company: Branding Records / Project Scope: Branding, Strategy, UIUX / Role: Project Lead, Creative Direction

A detailed identity system and renewed brand architecture to celebrate heritage and looking towards the next 90 years.



Yew Chung the first international school in Hong Kong and has grown through 90 years to become one of the biggest education foundation in the world. The brand had a disconnect between what they were perceived as and what they actually did. During that growth the brand has created numerous sub brands. We were tasked to consolidate the brands into a brand architecture and strategy that allowed for continued growth.


Restructuring the brand architecture to have a mother brand that housed all of the sub brands through out the years, and a structure that allowed for future diversification and growth. Visually the brand were consolidated and updated through careful analysis of their heritage and visual technical aspects. Allowing for the brand to be digital friendly.


The new mother brand Yew Chung Yew Wah allowed for the market to understand and perceive the network of schools that the organisation had at their disposal. The mother brand logo itself celebrated the heritage of the brand. A new detailed brand identity system of over 200 refreshed logos were consolidated into a cohesive brand that communicated in the same visual language. That visual language is utilised on a new and refined web architecture to communicate with past, current and future stakeholders.




Genesis Block